Oh, you think so much and I think so much
Oh, we think so much, but I get tired just by thinking ‘bout you
I can tell by the look in your eyes
I can tell by the frown and the smiles
I can tell by the way that you look at me
That I’m going to be
assessing every single move in my mind
always somewhat too bold or too kind
I can tell the next talk about season three
Predictable as can be
Oh, you think so much
but I get tired just by thinking ‘bout you
Oh, you think so much
but I get tired just by thinking of you
You ask again, for the wi-fi
you ask again, about the low-carb
and I ask myself how can I kill the time
without knowing to ask you
To be fair, I need the passcode myself
and I didn’t plan on feasting as well
Babe, your faults are just so easy to see
I also have them in me
Oh, you think so much
but I get tired just by thinking ‘bout you
oh, you think so much
but I get tired just by thinking of you
Oh, you think so much
but I think so much
Oh, we think too much
and I get tired just by thinking ‘bout you
Oh, you think so much
but I get tired just by thinking ‘bout you
oh, you think so much
but I get tired just by thinking of you
Oh you think so much
But I think so much
Oh we think so much
I think we think too much
season 3
Sevan Keles
// Loop-Film
Sevan Keles arbeitet als Filmer und Videoeditor. Für den Song Season 3, einer der tanzbarsten auf dem MESSINA-Album, wagte er sich an eine aufwändige Stop-Motion Produktion mit dem Tänzer Tobias Bolliger an verschiendesten Plätzen in Zürich. Entstanden ist ein Videosnippet, das immer wieder neue Details preisgibt.