I’m always guessing my own state of mind
I’m always looking at myself from the outside
Time by time I feel like I’m all right
Time after time within I carry the night
I’m becoming something that I don’t recognize
from anything, anything that I know
When I look, when I look in the mirror sometimes,
I’m surprised, I’m surprised by the face that shows
I’m becoming something that I don’t recognize
from anything, anything that I know
When I look, when I look in the mirror sometimes,
I’m surprised, I’m surprised by the face that shows
I slept so much, yet I am so tired still
there’s a dusty touch that only I seem to feel
Changing veins by the hour now, passing a mirror somehow
I’m surprised, that I still look the same
I’m becoming something that I don’t recognize
from anything, anything that I know
When I look, when I look in the mirror sometimes,
I’m surprised, I’m surprised by the face that shows
I’m becoming something that I don’t recognize
from anything, anything that I know
When I look, when I look in the mirror sometimes,
I’m surprised, I’m surprised by the face that shows
tired still
Jill Winnie Moser
// Malerei
Jill Winnie Moser schloss im vergangenem Jahr ihren Bachelor of Fine Arts an der ZHdK ab. In ihrer künstlerischen Praxis setzt sie sich mehrheitlich mit Themen wie Selbstoptimierung, toxischer Positivität und Konsumwahn auseinander. Ihre figurativen Ölgemälde sind collagen-artige Zusammenfügungen aus popkulturellem Bildmaterial, meist gesammelt aus dem Internet. So auch das Gemälde inspiriert durch den MESSINA-Song „Tired Still“. Die Zeile „Im becoming something that I dont recognize from anything, anything that I know“ erinnerte sie an eine Schaufensterpuppe, welche sich gesichtslos herbeigeführten Veränderungen hingibt.